Sunday, November 21, 2010

How to contact wikipedia about blocked account?

You could try emailing, but that would be about as effective as convincing good cop and bad cop that you're not the perp they're looking for once they've made up their minds that you are.

Instead you should adjust your outlook: it's not you who have been blocked, but rather the Wikipediots are blocked from your contributions. It's their loss, really: there's something you know a lot about and now Wikipedia won't benefit from your expertise. You should now take your expertise somewhere it's appreciated.How to contact wikipedia about blocked account?
Try emailing .How to contact wikipedia about blocked account?
I would recommend you not to waste your time because they will not unblock you; instead they will just keep find reason to not unblock you. That is why the website “Wikipedia” sucks. Here are some other reason why, first thing, the admin who run the website cannot treat people fair, they also doctor a small problem and/or issue and make it into a big one and use old problem and/or issue ageist you, even if you had nothing to do with the problem and/or issue and the article are unreliable, and only one point of view, once and article reaches the way the admin’s want it, the locked it so no one can edit it, and last the admin’s focus in more if a user is creating more than one account, then reading what the content of an article is.
Why do you want to beg the admins? Do you really want to? Just abandon the blocked account for 3 months and create another account.

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